Pest Risk Bulletins

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The Bulletin displays both the time-to-act (the number of days after planting) and the intervention window (the range of days around the time-to-act when intervention is still recommended) in a map format. It also includes recommendations from the PlantwisePlus programme’s Pest Management Decision Guides on identifying, monitoring, and controlling pests using an Integrated Pest Management approach.

Bulletins are released twice a month throughout the cropping season—at the start of each month with estimated forecasts and mid-month with updated forecasts based on live weather data.

The maps are country and pest specific PRISE pest forecasts. They contain recommendations for the number of days to wait between planting and taking control actions. Each pest as two types of map:

Action Range

The Action Range map provides an estimated number of days from planting until the peak time to take action. The colour scale is used to identify the value for the location you chose on the map (e.g. Adansi South, Ghana is estimated 5 days for peak action)

Group 14

Action Window

The Action Window map gives an estimated range before and after the midpoint value (e.g. Adansi South, Ghana is estimated + or – 30 days, so the total would be between 25 and 35 days for the window).

The PRISE Bulletins also provide additional information and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) recommendations for each species which should be used in conjunction with the forecast maps for the best outcome.
Monitoring is important to identify pests and understand the state of the crops. Details provided in the bulletins include:

  • How to monitor for each pest
  • How to identify each species at each life stage
  • Their symptoms

Action thresholds are used to identify when action should be taken depending on the number of pests or how damaging a pest species becomes. Information about the action threshold (or decision point) for each species is provided as a guide for when control actions should be taken.
Finally, details about the types of control actions for each pest are supplied. Both cultural control (non-chemical) methods and chemical control methods are provided.

See our resources page for more information on the content included in the bulletins other useful materials.

Group 15

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