African smallholder farmers benefit from reduced crop losses and higher incomes from a novel alert service

A newly published review of the CABI-led Pest Risk Information Service (PRISE) project shows that smallholder farmers in four...

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Early warning pest alerts and Integrated Pest Management advice contributes to greater food security in Ghana

Smallholder maize farmers in Ghana provided with early warning pest alerts and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) advice about the fall...

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CABI’s expertise in digital data highlighted at Kenya meeting to help ensure greater sustainable food security

CABI’s expertise in digital data and development has been highlighted at a meeting in Kenya convened to identify ways in which Earth...

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CABI highlights digital technology to assist global food security efforts at Africa Agri Expo 2022

CABI has highlighted the use of digital technology to help assist global food security efforts at the 5th Africa Agri Expo 2022...

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Benefits of Pest Risk Information Service highlighted at CODATA Virtual SciDataCon

The benefits of the CABI-led Pest Risk Information Service (PRISE) in helping smallholder farmers mitigate crop pests outbreaks, thereby...

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Successful PRISE-FRT radio campaign promotes IPM to farmers in Malawi

The PRISE project has carried out a successful radio and SMS campaign targeting maize, tomato and bean smallholder farmers in Malawi. In...

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Data and farming innovations aid crop pest risk prediction and management in low-income countries

Novel Solutions in the form of pest risk alert systems now present a unique opportunity for low-income countries to better predict, prevent...

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Digital extension campaign helps farmers to manage fall armyworm in Zambia

An SMS campaign to promote awareness of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and mitigation measures, which was carried out in four...

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PRISE-PAD Fall Armyworm SMS Alert Pilot

During the 2019 short rains season in Kenya, PRISE partnered with Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD) to provide maize farmers with...

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PRISE is seeking partners in dissemination and crowdsourcing

The Pest Risk Information Service (PRISE) has published request for proposals (RFP) for partners in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia. PRISE...

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